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What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is not:

  • A problem of intelligence

    • ​People with dyslexia have average to above average intelligence 

  • A vision problem

    • ​Although there are disorders that originate because of a vision issue, when appropriately diagnosed, dyslexia is NOT a vision problem but a phonologic deficit resulting in difficulty getting to the smallest sounds in language. 

  • A "laziness" problem

    • ​School is already difficult for children with dyslexia. They are already trying hard. They just need the right help to make progress. 

Dyslexia IS:

  • A biologically based issue

    • ​While reading, writing and spelling, children with dyslexia are using an "inefficient system." Studies have been done using fMRI's to measure brain activity during reading,s spelling and writing tasks. People with dyslexia are reading with less activation in certain parts of their brain as typical readers do. This makes reading, spelling and writing more taxing on the other areas of the brain, making it more slow and effortful. (Shaywitz, 2003)

  • A lifelong condition

    • ​Children do not outgrow Dyslexia. With the right instruction, accommodations and support they can make great improvements. 

  • A DIFFERENT way of thinking not a WORSE way of thinking

    • Although children with Dyslexia have difficulties with reading, they have SO many other talents. They are able to see problems and situations differently.

    • Fostering and encouraging their strengths has an amazing effect on their self-esteem and school performance.  â€‹

  • A common learning difficulty

    • There are many successful people with Dyslexia.

    • We have been studying this learning difficulty for since the early 1900's. 

    • 1 in 5 children have some form of Dyslexia

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